Friday, June 26, 2020

Dependence vs. Independence vs. Interdependence

After marriage my wife was discussing on same page that we have to independent and she is a Psychologist but I am Engineer .... and No one can cross the limit of Engineers then I found this theory hope this will help you people alot in your life....

*Dependence vs. Independence vs. Interdependence: What’s the story?*

*Dependence:* When you are in the dependent stage of your life you are in the mode of receiving information and learning. You rely upon people and haven’t individuated as your own being. The wisdom you gain at this stage in development is about group inclusion and tradition. We learn about power and what it takes to live in the world.

*Independence:* In this stage we venture out onto our own. We weed through all the wisdom we learned and decide who we are as individuals. The stage of independence is a wisdom of developing our own values and being able to articulate them. We gain an understanding of ourselves.

Yet, there is a third level…

*Interdependence:* This is a state of wisdom and spiritual awareness that many people never reach. That is unfortunate. It is a space where you finally realize that you are not the center of the universe. You finally intuit that we are all connected.  You realize that any wisdom you have is really the wisdom of all and this wisdom of the universe does not begin with us, it flows through us. It is a knowledge of interconnectedness.

When we finally reach a stage of wisdom where we realize our interdependence, something shifts. To gain this wisdom you necessarily have to have a handle on your observer perspective. When you can summon your observer you can look back on these three stages of wisdom and use all the wisdom that flows through the universe, no matter when, or at what stage you gained it.

*Interdependent is the name of life for human beings otherwise we are just animal's*